Products slider
[sourcecode language=”html”]
- notids - products ids excluded from query (separated with commas)
- catorder - order of the categories, category slugs separated by commas - determines the order of categories
- showprice - yes; no;
- onlylabel - only price label
- links - include links to product details? - yes; no;
- narrow - use narrow mode even in fullwidth template? - yes; no;
- perpage - number of products per menucard page
- order - order in which data should be fetched - asc; desc;
- orderby - order in which data should be fetched - date; ID; author; title; name; modified; parent; rand; menu_order;
- id - post id
- slug - post slug, filter by slug
- post_parent - post parent id, filter by parent id
- tag - tag name (slug), comma separated values: tag1,tag2 to exclude tags use '-' minus: -mytag will exclude tag 'mytag'
- s - keyword search, show item with certain keyword
Simple products slider
[sourcecode language=”html”]
linklabel="OPEN MENUCARD"
linklabel="OPEN MENUCARD"
- header - header text
- limit - number of products
- link - url
- linklabel
- showprice - yes; no;
- onlylabel - only price label
- links - include links to product details? - yes; no;
- narrow - use narrow mode even in fullwidth template? - yes; no;
- skip - skip x elements, allows to skip x elements from collection
- order - order in which data should be fetched - asc; desc;
- orderby - order in which data should be fetched - date; ID; author; title; name; modified; parent; rand; menu_order;
- id - post id
- notids - exclude post id
- slug - post slug, filter by slug
- post_parent - post parent id, filter by parent id
- cat_name - category name, name of category to filter
- tag - tag name (slug), comma separated values: tag1,tag2 to exclude tags use '-' minus: -mytag will exclude tag 'mytag'
- s - keyword search, show item with certain keyword
Horizontal products
Seafood No.4
only 9.99 $
Grill Menu No.4
only 9.99 $
Grill Menu No.3
only 5.99 $
[sourcecode language=”html”]
- header - header text
- limit - number of products
- links - include links to product details? - yes; no;
- showprice - yes; no;
- onlylabel - only price label
- narrow - use narrow mode even in fullwidth template? - yes; no;
- skip - skip x elements, allows to skip x elements from collection
- order - order in which data should be fetched - asc; desc;
- orderby - order in which data should be fetched - date; ID; author; title; name; modified; parent; rand; menu_order;
- id - post id
- notids - exclude post id
- slug - post slug, filter by slug
- post_parent - post parent id, filter by parent id
- cat_name - category name, name of category to filter
- tag - tag name (slug), comma separated values: tag1,tag2 to exclude tags use '-' minus: -mytag will exclude tag 'mytag'
- s - keyword search, show item with certain keyword
Vertical products
New Zealand
Grill Menu No.3
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority.
only 5.99 $
[sourcecode language=”html”]
[vertical_products header="FROM THE GRILL"
limit="1" tag="featured"]
[vertical_products header="FROM THE GRILL"
limit="1" tag="featured"]
- header - header text
- limit - number of products
- showprice - yes; no;
- onlylabel - only price label
- links - include links to product details? - yes; no;
- skip - skip x elements, allows to skip x elements from collection
- order - order in which data should be fetched - asc; desc;
- orderby - order in which data should be fetched - date; ID; author; title; name; modified; parent; rand; menu_order;
- id - post id
- notids - exclude post id
- slug - post slug, filter by slug
- post_parent - post parent id, filter by parent id
- cat_name - category name, name of category to filter
- tag - tag name (slug), comma separated values: tag1,tag2 to exclude tags use '-' minus: -mytag will exclude tag 'mytag'
- s - keyword search, show item with certain keyword
Product preview
Grill Menu
only 9.99 $
[sourcecode language=”html”]
[product_preview imgtop="yes" imgwidth="150"
imgheight="120" name="Grill Menu"
excerpt="Lorem ipsum..." price="9.99" imgsrc=""]
[product_preview imgtop="yes" imgwidth="150"
imgheight="120" name="Grill Menu"
excerpt="Lorem ipsum..." price="9.99" imgsrc=""]
- id - product
- name - product name
- excerpt - product short description
- price - product price
- link - product details link
- imgsrc - image source
- lightboxsrc - lightbox image, lightbox image source
- imglightbox - lightbox, show image in lightbox? - yes; no;
- imgframe - image frame, frame around the image - no; yes;
- photoshadow - image shadow, shadow below image - no; yes;
- imgwidth - image width
- imgheight - image height
- imgtop - image frame, show image on top of the box? - no; yes;
- showprice - yes; no;
- onlylabel - only price label
- withlink - links, include links to product details? - yes; no;
- order - order in which data should be fetched - asc; desc;
- orderby - order in which data should be fetched - date; ID; author; title; name; modified; parent; rand; menu_order;
- notids - exclude post id
- slug - post slug, filter by slug
- post_parent - post parent id, filter by parent id
- cat_name - category name, name of category to filter
- tag - tag name (slug), comma separated values: tag1,tag2 to exclude tags use '-' minus: -mytag will exclude tag 'mytag'
- s - keyword search, show item with certain keyword
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